Monday, November 12, 2007

Little update

so, I am now chillin in a little coffe shop in downtown Vancouver.

I Just arrived this weekend from spending the last week in Val-David... just outside of Montreal. I've been bounced from one side of the country to another for work training. For the next little while it may be difficult to keep track of me... but I will now be in BC for the rest of my training (until december 7th).

My first impressions of Vancouver are...err... interesting. The city seems cool and there are loads of great shops and restaurants. However, the weather has not been on my side... or that of my hair. I get up in the morning and style my hair and as soon as I take a step outside it puffs out and goes in all directions. (This might have to do with the huge wind storm....)

I also haven't been able to see much due to really bad weather. But I have enjoyed just relaxing and having some downtime. Today I spent 3 hours at the YWCA gym (we get in free with our hotel stay). Running on the tredmill, the bikes, doing a yoga class, and chillin' in the sauna. I know that people don't normally associate the word "relaxed" with me... but I am so ZEN right now... it's FANTASIC.

Maybe a combo of alone time, meditation, and yoga... Will be definately doing more!

Montreal was great too. I got to spend Saturday night with Courtney and Amy (were fellow participants in the same Katimavik group) and then I had a great Sunday with Alex (Rob's Sister)

The training was good too... I learned a lot and got to meet really great people.

Anyway, I should go for now...

Will keep you posted in a bit.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hi All!

Well things are going well in Kelowna. Rob is busy job hunting and training and I am now busy getting ready for PC training. I am excited to be busy again but I am getting a bit nervous at the same time!

On another note: I don't really have time to finish my story on adventures in transit! I am so sorry... but I will keep you posted from here on out. Also, if you don't know, Rob bought a car! Yippee!

Halloween has been pretty uneventful for me this year. Rob is training and there are no trick-or-treaters that come here... so it was pretty calm. I am watching scary TV though.... CREEPY!

That's about it for now... not too exciting.

I stumbled along this website while I was surfing the Internet.

I think it is an amazing cause and something I am truly passionate about; the protection of animals. There are few regulations for protection of animals around the world (we need look no farther than the way farm animals are treated in many Canadian farms) and this organization plans on bringing a petition to the United Nations with 1 million signatures from around the world.

Please take a moment and sign the petition. It is a small action that makes a difference.

You don't have to fill out all the information. Just your name (first and last), e-mail, country, and age.

Thanks for your time and support!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Adventures in Transit - Take 2

So after our realization that walking to Kelowna was not going to be viable (especially in the winter) we decided to venture out to explore more of Kelowna the eco-friendly way... BUS!

We had picked up a bus schedule from a store downtown the day before. We looked up the one bus that runs by our house (the number 27). It comes approximately every hour until the last bus at 5:30PM. Yep, if you miss the 5:30 bus (on a week day) you are walking home in the dark on a road that has no sidewalk for about 8 KM.

we made a packed that that would not happen to us... no matter what we would make that bus!

Well, as it turns out when we finally looked at the schedule we realized that the next bus was coming in 5 mintues. We rushed to get ready and started running down the hill outside our house as we actually did not know where a bus stop was...

We reached it just in time, the bus came and we lucked out! This was a SPECIAL bus. The bus driver was finishing his route so there was no need to transfer the bus was going to right downtown Kelowna.

So far so good!

We arrived in downtown Kelowna with relative ease. Walked around, did a few errands, Rob started the job hunt. Oh, but we forgot our lunch... In our rush to get out the door we had forgotten and now we were downtown and I was hungry... (which means, I need food ASAP).

We went to a sushi restaurant. Note: if you want Japanese food in Kelowna. It's not hard. There is literally a sushi/Japanese restaurant on EVERY block... some even had two! I am only guessing but I think sushi is popular in this town...

Anyway, after spending money we really didn't want to spend... we had a good meal and continued our errands. Me shopping for household needs and getting a caffine fix and Rob spending time and the Kelowna Career Centre. I made my way home. (It was a while ago and I can't remember what Rob was doing but I think he was looking into temp agencies?)

Anyway, again I made it home relatively easy. Hopped onto the 21 and then transfered to the 27 making it home in about an hour.

Thus, after my first transit experience I was highly optimistic that we could make it work. Well, except we could have no external life after 5:30... unless we shelled out major dollars for a cab....

Rob, however was not as optimistic. He clearly felt that this was not a practical situation. I think he may have been a bit jaded from waiting at the exchange place for over an hour...

Anyway, the trials and tribulations of Kelowna transit will continue...

The next one will be a great story... I learned a lot that day about rules of transit.

These include:
1) The first bus is not always the best bus
2) Stay away from people that slam their heads into walls
3) Never wear cute shoes on the transit... unless you want blisters... from the walking you WILL have to do

Anyway, keep reading and that story will be revealed.

To be Continued...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Adventure in Transit - Kelowna

So when Rob and I arrived in Kelowna we soon came to the realization that we are living smack in the middle of suburbia. Not only is it suburbia... but it's a terraced community that is built into the mountain. Our apartment is very big and very nice. Our view is great but everyone (and their children) have cars. So getting around Kelowna has proven a bit tricky.

Here are a few tails of the trials and tribulations of our adventures.

Well, on one of the first days that we were here, we decided to walk to downtown Kelowna. We figured that the walk would take about an hour in total. So we started out on our adventure to explore! (we live on the westside of the lake). After walking for half an hour, we FINALLY reached the main road that would take us into town only to realize that this town is not particularly pedestrian friendly. There were no sidewalks or even large curbs. (and the speed limit is 80 KM/H). We ended up walking in tall grass on the side of the road to avoid impending death from oncoming traffic. After walking for another half an hour we realized that we were not going to reach our destination in the time we had thought. In fact, we had not even reached the bridge yet.

As we crossed the bridge people kept gawking at us in their comfortable cars. Their looks were those of people that are peering on something rare and special. The endangered pedestrian. Though, I think some of them might have just been thinking "suckers".

That being said it was a nice day and when we finally crossed the bridge we found a nice beach to rest and have a little snack. It was great but we STILL hadn't reached the downtown area. We took the back roads through a nice little community to avoid the obvious dangers of staying on the main road. Finally we reached downtown. It's beautiful, cute, and at the time we arrived basically a ghost town (Thanksgiving Monday). We found a coffee shop had a nice drink and decided to catch a cab back. This was mainly because we realized that the entire walk to town was on a down slope and that going home would be all up hill... about 2 hours.

The cab fair was not cheap, but at least we learned that quickly!

That was our first adventure of many in getting around Kelowna.

I will update the rest later. I think this is enough for you to read at the moment. Otherwise I could write an entire novel!


Thursday, October 4, 2007

BIG step!


So today I am trying to get the motivation to pack up the rest of my stuff. Maybe Rob is rubbing off on me and I am more in the mood to relax and wait till the last minute.

If you are not aware, we are moving to Kelowna on the 6th. I have real mixed emotions about this because I am excited to be moving and seeing a new place, have a great job, and taking on another adventure. However, this is such a HUGE step for me. I will be moving in with my boyfriend. I think it will go well, but I have also had roommates before that I no longer talk to. I value Rob's friendship so much, I just don't want that to happen. I am glad that he is coming to Kelowna with me and my heart says it will all work out but logic still sneeks in and cast shadows of doubt.

Either way, it is going to be great. I am 99% sure!

Wish me luck and keep reading!


Friday, September 21, 2007

So as you can see from my last post, I am not in Japan. It's a long story but the moral is that it just was not meant to be. Now, I am heading to Kelowna, BC to live until next september and work as the PC for the South Okanogan. I have never beeen to Kelowna but I am looking forward to checking the place out. I have heard great things and seen some photos that look pretty amazing.

So I am looking forward to that.

Totally changing subjects... it's time for a rant. I have been thinking about the environment lately and all the things in my life I can do to improve my footprint. I have realized that I take way too long of showers. I LOVE long showers they are kind of a haven for me. However, every 2 mintues uses up as much water as the average african person does in an entire day!

So I have committed to cutting back on my shower time. But then I got to thinking about how easy it is to make small changes and make sure that we are voting with our money for products that are better. Now, I don't mean running out at buying everything organic. Here are a couple ideas that I came up with:

1) switching to energy saving lightbulbs
2) using an water saving shower head (that's what I need)
3) Avoid Styrofoam (ex, egg cartons)
4) Use phosphate free laundry and dish detergent
5) When you buy new appliances make sure they are energy efficient
6) Vegatarian meal one night/week

These things don't change our everyday life but they do make a bigger picture overall. I know I am going to try and follow these when I move out to Kelowna.

It's not a lecture, just felt like sharing.


Erin is not in Japan... :(